Spring 1
On this page you can find some useful information about our class work in Phonics and Literacy, Maths and our foundation subjects for each half term.
This half-term, in English we will be focusing on the book, 'The Lion Inside' which is a story all about bravery and self esteem.
We will also look at a variety of other books during our foundation subjects; using atlases and maps in Geography and non fiction books in Science about plants.
In Maths, children will be counting forwards and backwards within 20 and will be consolidating the place value concept of 10 and the numbers up to 20. They will then go on to use these numbers to make additions and subtractions within 20.
In Science we will be learning all about plants, their different parts and what some of the parts do. We will talk about different types of plants and trees and will be going on a trip to the park to see some.
We will be visiting a Mosque and Blackburn Cathedral this half term as part of our RE work.
This Half term 1J will be using Forest School on Fridays so Wellies and gloves and a hat would be very much appreciated. Children will still need a PE kit for PE on Thursdays. 1H will be working with the sports coach on Fridays so PE kits are needed for all children.
You can find some ideas for Homework and the overview of this half terms curriculum below.
Thank you, Miss Hegarty and Mr Jacobs