The Bridge Centre
The Bridge Centre
The Bridge Centre is a SEN Unit and provides an appropriate environment with up to 10 pupils at any one time across two classrooms.
It provides a secure, consistent environment where the developmental needs of each pupil can be catered for effectively.
There will always be a high adult to pupil ratio at all times.
Pupils attend the unit on a personalised timetable accessing their mainstream class as appropriate. This will have been agreed between SENCO, Class Teacher, Parents and Pupil.
Pupils will be admitted on the basis of SEND advice, through the annual review process, Educational Psychologist, Specialist/Advisory teachers, Speech and Language therapist in conjunction with the Local Authority and Governing Body.
There will be a clear focus on developing the whole child as well as academic progress.
The SEND Unit will follow the same policies but a different timetable from the rest of the school.
We will ensure that pupils will be assessed and progress tracked using the schools normal tracking procedures and this will be used to provide an ambitious but personalised curriculum.
Parents will be kept fully informed and will be invited and encouraged to spend time in the provision with their child each term.
We recognise the need for play and practical activities in the development of a child’s learning.
A meeting will be held each full term to discuss individual progress and next steps.
Pupils will all complete the SEND testing available in school so an individual profile is built up for each child.
An IEP will then be completed each half term. Weekly targets will be set based around their IEP alongside the pupil’s curriculum offer.
Pupil’s achievement and progress will be reviewed each half term
Families will be offered the opportunity to open a CAF which will centrally pull together all agencies involved as the Early Years SEND current offer.
The Bridge Centre is a place where children can learn and develop at their level in a supportive environment where individuals are fully valued and individual needs can be met more effectively.
The Provision for Children in the SEN Unit
- As per the DfE definition of a SEN Unit, it is anticipated that the children are taught mainly within separate classes. However, this should not limit the children’s access to the mainstream classes and activities, where it would be in their interest
- Pupils placed in the SEN Unit at Shadsworth Infant School will be on the school’s roll.
- The aim of the provision is to ensure that pupils make the best possible rates of progress and that any gaps in pupils’ attainment on entry, are narrowed by:
- Ensuring that staff at Shadsworth Infant School receive the training and support that they require to enable them to meet the needs of the pupils
- Ensuring that all reasonable adjustments are made, and reasonable steps taken so that pupils are not put at a substantial disadvantage when accessing adapted teaching and learning, and wider school activities
- Ensuring that staff in partner agencies provide any additional advice and support that is required
- Maximising pupils’ opportunities to develop independence
- Ensuring pupils receive the specialist assessments required to best understand their needs, identify potential barriers to making progress and inform support and intervention strategies
- Providing individual and group evidence- based interventions, delivered by specialist staff, to develop the very best educational outcomes including attainment is line to their baseline, improved attendance and reduced chances of disengagement in education
- Following assessment, offering therapeutic support from specialist staff and partner agencies, this is dependent on individual needs and provision within the Section F of the EHCP. This may include Play Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Educational Psychologists. The school should approach BwD for further advice and sign-posting when necessary
- Providing specialist equipment and environments where appropriate e.g. specialist seating, sensory circuits and/or sensory room
- Providing pupils with support and access to a safe outdoor space and the school should decide if the SEN Unit is used during unstructured times, including break and lunch times
- Involving families in decision making regarding the education of pupils placed in the SEN Unit
- Designing and delivering an age and developmentally appropriate curriculum