Religious Education
Religious Education at Shadsworth Infants will support children in affirming and developing their own beliefs, values and attitudes through a variety of experiences and activities. In the teaching of RE it is important that all staff challenge inequalities and discrimination associated with race, religion, culture, gender or socio-economic group. Where possible the school is sensitive to the social and cultural background of the children and is aware of the range of experiences and faith backgrounds that they already come to school with. It is the role of the co-ordinator to monitor this. Wherever possible, major festivals and celebrations around the world are celebrated and children are given the opportunities to visit place of worship for Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.
At Shadsworth Infants we are following the new Questful RE agreed syllabus. This was introduced to our school in 2023, replacing the old BwD agreed syllabus. The new Syllabus is implemented throughout EYFS and KS1. The syllabus is based on the Non Statutory National Curriculum and parallels the National Curriculum for community schools, but is also recommended for church schools, academies and free schools. The RE curriculum is taught for 5% of the timetable allocation and it is noted that parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons due to their own personal beliefs. Each year group will follow the syllabus framework, building on each unit of work progressing from Reception to Year 2. Within the framework each year group will learn about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism with Year 2 being introduced to Sikhism.
- Overview Reception.pdf
- Overview Year 1.pdf
- Overview Year 2.pdf
- EYFS Termly overview objectives.pdf
- Year 1 Termly overview objectives.pdf
- Year 2 Termly overview objectives.pdf
Religious Educated at Shadsworth Infant School is assessed using the following;
- informal judgements by staff during lessons
- immediate next steps provided via verbal feedback
- misconceptions addressed during discussions
- end of topic Questful learning map
- pupil and peer assessments
- formal skills and assessment checklists
Come the end of each religious education unit/topic, teachers make a summary judgement about the work each pupil has completed in relation to the success criteria. The RE subject leader monitors class assessment and analyses data on a termly basis.
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers EYFS
Knowledge Organisers Year 1
Knowledge Organiser