
Shadsworth Infant SchoolLearning, Sharing and Caring


Welcome toShadsworth Infant SchoolLearning, Sharing and Caring

Year 2

Welcome to 2H & 2GH


During Summer 1, children will delve into the world of dinosaurs. We will go back in time and explore the Mesozoic era and be introduced to different dinosaur species. We will learn all about the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning, and how she made many amazing discoveries that are still being investigated today! We will have the opportunity to see real fossils and dinosaur skeletons as we conclude our topic with an exciting trip to a museum.






In English, our new text will be ‘The Last Wolf’ which is a twist on a traditional fairy tale. We will be working on using apostrophes to write in the contracted form and continue to develop a variety of writing skills from last half-term.





During Maths our focus will be fractions. Children will be introduced to whole and equal parts, we will go on to look at specific fractions of halves, quarters and thirds.




Our PE days this half-term remain as Monday and Friday – every child will be required to have their PE kits in school in a named bag. These will be kept in school until the end of the half term when they will be sent home for washing. Each child will participate in PE on Monday and 2GH will take part in a coach-led session on Friday. Ideas for comfortable and weather appropriate sports clothes include; jogging bottoms/shorts, t-shirt/jumper, trainers/pumps.


Summer 1 = 2H - P.E. – Monday and Friday


2GH – P.E. - Monday


As part of the UK curriculum objectives we also provide our children with an invaluable Forest School experience that also takes place on a Friday - so ENSURE your child has 'Wellies' and suitable outdoor clothes on - fitting to the weather - a full body rain suit is provided to go over the children's clothes too. 

Summer = 2GH - Forest School – Friday


You will see below 'Star Folders' which will provide more detailed information about what we will studying each half term, with the relevant Homework Grid, Knowledge Organiser and Termly Curriculum Overview. Links are also provided to support you and your child to get the most out of their classroom learning whilst at home. 



If you have any questions or stumble upon any good resources that you use at home, please let us know and we can share them on the class page. 


Enjoy exploring and thank you.


Mrs Hughes (2H) and Miss Hegarty (2GH)
