
Shadsworth Infant SchoolLearning, Sharing and Caring


Welcome toShadsworth Infant SchoolLearning, Sharing and Caring


Welcome to Reception! On this page you can find some useful information about our class work in Phonics and Literacy, Maths and our Topics for each half term. We may also share pictures and news from other areas of learning and development across our EYFS curriculum. You will see below 'Star Folders' which will provide more detailed information on individual areas of learning, with links to support you and your child with their learning at home.


Our Current Topic for Summer 2 is, 'Beside The Seaside'


During this Summer 2 half-term, in Literacy we will be focusing on the book, 'The See Saw' by Johnny Tom Percival

A heart-warming story about a girl called Sofia, she loses her beloved teddy after a day at the beach, she is heartbroken. But the sea saw it all, and maybe, just maybe, it can bring Sofia and her teddy back together. However long it may take...


We also look at a variety of other books during our Topic time about a range of things including beaches, holidays and treats now and in the past.  


In maths, the children will revisit the concept of grouping and sharing. We will introduce them to more focused vocabulary including groups, fair and equal. The children have opportunity to develop their ability to recall key number facts including doubles and number bonds to 5 and 10.  Additionally this half term, the children will look again repeating patterns building to create their own patterns. We then move on to looking at 3D models and mapping, allowing the children to represent maps using models, then build/design their own maps of familiar places and maps to represent the passing of time in stories. 


Our afternoons will be filled with art, design, PSHE, RE, PE and music - wherever possible, it will link to our curriculum texts 'Seaside Holidays Then and Now', 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' and 'Sharing A Shell' whereby the children will explore the seaside and its inhabitants. Through both fact and fiction books, we also take a closer look at the seaside and begin to understand the importance of taking care of our natural world, keeping it clean and conservation of animals.


We are excited to show you what we have learned and created!



Thank you, Miss Barnes and Mrs Mason
